Consulatul Onorific al Republicii Moldova in Plovdiv

Ing. Veselin Chipev este Consulul Onorific al Republicii Moldova in orasul Plovdiv, Republica Bulgaria, cu district consular care cuprinde regiunea Plovdiv, Haskovo si Stara Zagora.

In cadrul Consulatului Onorific al Republicii Moldova la Plovdiv functioneaza un Centru de Informare, unde poate fi gasita informatie actuala cu privire la viata politica, culturala, economica, regulile pentru desfasurarea afacerilor in Moldova, regulile cu privire la relatiile moldo-bulgare, noutati. Puteti inainta personal solicitarile dvs. catre Consulul Onorific prin completarea formularului respectiv sau prin trimiterea scrisorii la adresa electronica mentionata.

Luati legatura cu noi

Invitație de a participa la o licitație

Ambasada Republicii Moldova în Republica Bulgaria informează că Unitatea Consolidată de Implementare și Monitorizare a Proiectelor în Sectorul Energetic (UCIPE) anunță lansarea unei licitații internaționale pentru extinderea stației electrice de 400 kV Vulcănești (Republica). al Moldovei). Invitația de participare la licitație poate fi primită la următoarele adrese:

Invitație de a participa la o licitație

Ambasada Republicii Moldova în Republica Bulgaria informează despre lansarea unei licitații internaționale pentru negocierea/proiectarea documentației tehnice pentru implementarea și supravegherea autorului pentru reabilitarea termică a clădirilor instituțiilor medicale din Republica Moldova . Invitația de participare la licitație a fost publicată de instituțiile de finanțare: Uniunea Europeană, Banca Europeană de Investiții, Banca Europeană pentru Reconstrucție și Dezvoltare și poate fi obținută la următoarele adrese:

Invitație de participare la o delegație de afaceri în orașul Chișinău, Moldova, 26 - 27 martie 2024

Camera de Comerț și Industrie a Bulgariei informează că în perioada 26-27 martie 2024 va avea loc în municipiul Chișinău un forum de afaceri bulgaro-moldovenesc. Evenimentul este organizat împreună cu Agenția de Investiții din Moldova cu sprijinul Ministerului Economiei și Industriei din Bulgaria cu ocazia celei de-a IX-a reuniuni a Comisiei Interguvernamentale Bulgaro-Moldova de Cooperare Economică. Forumul se va concentra pe următoarele sectoare: energie; Agricultură; turism; industria ușoară; industria textila; industria mobilei; industria farmaceutica; constructii etc.

Informare și înregistrare

Made in Moldova 2023

The Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Republic of Moldova has the great pleasure to announce that the XXth edition of the National Exhibition “Made in Moldova”, will take place from 01st to 05th of February 2023, at the International Exhibition Centre “MOLDEXPO” (Chisinau municipality, 1, Ghioceilor street).

The National Exhibition "Made in Moldova" is organized annually by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Republic of Moldova under the patronage of the Government of the Republic of Moldova and has become over years one of the major and most prestigious exhibition in the country, with the main objectives to promote the local products and services, highlighting their competitiveness and to identify new opportunities for creating sustainable business partnerships.

On February 01st, at the official inauguration will participate state leaders and officials of the Republic of Moldova, central and local public authorities, representatives of diplomatic missions accredited in Moldova, entrepreneurs, and business delegations from various states.

As in the previous editions, the exhibition will host an extensive business program which will address current topics for the representatives of the business community in the country and abroad.

The Chamber of Commerce and Industry is glad to invite the representatives of entrepreneurs and business community from the Republic of Bulgaria to participate in this event.

For further confirmations of participation and information, please contact the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Republic of Moldova, International Relations Division, contact person – Mrs. Inga Leontean tel. +373 22 22 26 26, e-mail:


The Public Property Agency announces the "outcry" auctions on the regulated market (Stock Exchange) in the period of 19 – 30 April 2021, for the privatization of state public property shares in the following joint stock companies, in single lots:

No. Registration number in the State Register of Securities (ISIN) IDNO Name of state property subject for privatization / Address Type of activity Share capital, (MDL) Nominal price of shares, (MDL) Initial sale price of a share, (MDL) Total number of shares owned by the state Share of the state capital, % Number of state-owned shares on sale Share of the state capital on sale, %
1 MD14CIMD1006 1003605009978 Joint Stock Company "Drumuri-Cimislia"
106 Nicolae Iorga Str., Cimislia
repair and maintenance of roads 22 187 420 10 12,48 2 210 695 99,637 2 210 695 99,637
2 MD14RUMC1004 1003608000976 Joint Stock Company "Drumuri-Causeni"
2A, Tighinei Str., Causeni
repair and maintenance of roads 25 307 100 10 11,28 2 519 091 99,541 2 519 091 99,541
3 MD14ORHD1008 1003606010892 Joint Stock Company "Drumuri-Orhei"
6, Calarasilor Str., Orhei
repair and maintenance of roads 41 054 730 10 10,00 4 079 819 99,375 4 079 819 99,375
4 MD14SORD1005 1003607003279 Joint Stock Company "Drumuri-Soroca"
27, Feofania Budde Str., Soroca
repair and maintenance of roads 33 610 840 10 12,47 3 339 468 99,357 3 339 468 99,357
5 MD14CRID1001 1003600095963 Joint Stock Company "Drumuri-Criuleni"
5, Stepelor Str., Criuleni
repair and maintenance of roads 42 389 960 10 12,45 4 202 669 99,143 4 202 669 99,143
6 MD14UMRD1003 1003602009760 Joint Stock Company "Drumuri-Rişcani"
3, Independenţei Str., Riscani
repair and maintenance of roads 26 003 560 10 10,43 2 573 153 98,954 2 573 153 98,954
7 MD14CAHD1001 1003603151541 Joint Stock Company "Drumuri-Cahul"
25, Mihai Viteazul Str., Cahul
repair and maintenance of roads 24 101 100 10 16,59 2 382 336 98,848 2 382 336 98,848
8 MD14IALD1009 1003600106403 Joint Stock Company "Drumuri-Ialoveni"
2, Chilia Str., Ialoveni
repair and maintenance of roads 37 291 570 10 14,72 3 686 252 98,849 3 686 252 98,849
9 MD14STRD1000 1003600111971 Joint Stock Company "Drumuri-Straseni"
1, Orheiului Str., Straseni
repair and maintenance of roads 34 817 080 10 11,99 3 435 566 98,675 3 435 566 98,675
10 MD14EDUM1008 1003604013877 Joint Stock Company "Drumuri-Edinet"
179, Independentei Str., Edinet
repair and maintenance of roads 25 185 710 10 12,12 2 438 680 96,828 2 438 680 96,828
11 MD14RIFA1001 1002602000519 Joint Stock Company „Scientific Research Institute „Rif-Acvaaparat”
9, Decebal Str., Balti
scientific and technical development of acoustic and hydroacoustic systems 1 920 695 5 45,00 356 896 92,908 356 896 92,908
12 MD14METF1009 1002600025822 Joint Stock Company for the purchase, processing and delivery of ferrous and non- ferrous metals "Metalferos"
1/3, Feroviarilor Str., Vatra Industrial Zone, Chisinau ул. Феровиарилор, 1/3
collection, storage, processing, sale and export of scrap and waste of ferrous and non-ferrous metals 3 590 420 10 3 000,00 281 065 78,282 281 065 78,282
13 MD14AQUA1001 1003603008520 Joint Stock Company "Aqua-Prut"
Rosu village, Cahul
construction works 1 928 853 9 29,07 163 962 76,504 163 962 76,504
14 MD14HISI1000 1003600020396 Joint Stock Company „Hotel „Chisinău”
7, Negruzzi Str., Chisiau
hotel services 1449390 3 5,34 290 745 60,179 290 745 60,179
15 MD14AMAS1009 1002600049280 Joint Stock Company “Alimentarmas”, in the process of insolvency
12, Mesterul Manole Str., Chisinau
production of machinery and equipment for agriculture and exploitation 24 356 540 10 6,03 732 728 30,083 732 728 30,083

Moldova Trade Forum 2021

From 28th to 30th of April 2021 will take place Moldova Trade Forum — an annual event where foreign companies interested in establishing partnerships with Moldovan producers will be able to find remarkable business opportunities (more information and registration here). Moldova Trade Forum is organised by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Republic of Moldova with the support of our development partners.

The event aims at being a platform of dialogue with the participation of all relevant actors (governmental sector, private sector, international donor organizations, think tanks and academia) on global trends in trade and recovery solutions for exporters affected by the COVID-19 economic recession, including local experience in overcoming the recently arisen challenges. The forum will continue with 2 days of match-making sessions, which will bring together buyers from a large number of European countries and Moldovan suppliers. This is a unique opportunity to generate new business contacts and contracts and individual B2B sessions can be arranged in advance on

We will be happy to welcome representatives of the Bulgarian companies at the Moldova Trade Forum 2021.


We inform the citizens of the Republic of Moldova who reside in Bulgaria and have not been able to obtain COVID-19 protection masks and sanitisers that they can obtain such free of charge from the Honorary Consulate in Plovdiv.

Additional travel restrictions regarding the evolution of the epidemiological situation of the COVID-19 infection.